Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I'm actually hijacking my blog back from Nick and Drew today. I'm sure they'll be back. Nick still has to tell me what happened with the hippies at my house, anyway. And they better not still be there when I get home.

I have only one advance copy of The Marbury Lens left. I'll probably give it away this evening at Barnes and Noble. It's kind of a relief to me to not have them around me, anyway. Well, I did keep one for myself.

And I promised one to each of the boys I got to work with, who entered Mrs. Nelson's Young Writers Contest, and I'm sending one up to San Francisco for my friend's birthday; and the last one goes to this kid Charlie, who wrote some really nice stuff about Ghost Medicine.
This evening, at 7 p.m., I will be at Barnes and Noble, 1315 East Gladstone Street, Glendora, CA 91740.

Stop by and see me.