Thursday, September 2, 2010
on not being a writer
That's it for the Marbury Lens animations. That is, until the real movie comes out.
So, I decided this week that I really suck at BEING a writer. I came to the realization that many of the desperate types who drain their bank accounts by habitually attending writers' conferences at which they may get to speed date exceedingly unenthused "faculty" from the industry and consume nutritionally-void meals and lots and lots of cheap alcohol, don't actually WANT to write -- they just want to BE writers.
Which is something I suck at.
Don't get me wrong. I would die, or at least be institutionalized, if I weren't writing. I've always done it, but I never thought -- even for a moment -- about BEING a writer.
Maybe this is a confusing distinction.
Maybe this sentiment pisses you off.
If it does, maybe you should explore the reasons why.