Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Why is it I can't get the epic rock anthem Barracuda by Heart out of my head?

Oh yeah. Those were the days.
duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh DUH DUH DUH DUH!!!!!

Back over Time when we were all trying for free
Met up with porpoise and me
No right no wrong you're selling a Song - a name
whisper game

"Sell me sell you" the porpoise said
Dive down deep to save my head
You... I think you got the blues too.

You lying so low in the weeds
Bet you gonna ambush me
You'd have me down on my knees
Wouldn't you, Barracuda?

Oh yeah... epic awesomness in the lyrics. And, recorded on tape, no less.

Today, nothing is recorded on tape. I thought I'd write about this since the audiobook version of Ghost Medicine was just released yesterday... and since I was lucky enough to be able to sit in the recording studio while it was being made (digitally... on a computer).

Yeah... well, I was going to write about it, but I can't get Heart and the Wilson sisters out of my head. I wonder why?

duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh DUH DUH DUH DUH!!!!!

And, almost as soon as I stop flashing back to the late 70s, big hair, and, of course, Heart, for whatever reason I start humming the theme song to the old TV show Maverick.

Who is the tall, dark stranger there?
Maverick is the name.
Ridin' the trail to who knows where,
Luck is his companion,
Gamblin' is his game.

Oh yeah... if that's not a prescription for how to live your life, then I need to give up the low-dose aspirin and start drinking buckets of bacon grease.

I must be losing my mind.

