Here's your Black Friday Blog Special.
And it's all free.
First of all, it's pretty cool that people have actually used the suggestion box to ask questions. So, I am going to quickly answer one that was left for me yesterday: If you're trying to create a story, do you find yourself imagining how others will react to it?
Well... yes and no. I mean, for me, the only thing that matters is how I will react to it. I think I have pretty good taste in fiction, so I try to write for the toughest potential audience member I can think of: me.
That said, once I start something, and although I usually do have a general idea of how it ends in mind, the story and the characters frequently start going off in their own directions. As long as I see their direction as being steerable toward the ending I want to write, then I let them go.
Sometimes, though, they can do some pretty nasty things. Sometimes, they make me uncomfortable. And sometimes I have to rein them in just a little bit.
Okay, now for part 2 of your all-free Black Friday Blog special... here are three of my favorite lines from my recent (SEVENTH) novel (and, no, I am not going to say the title), that I am this close [holds up narrowly-gapped thumb and first finger] to finishing:
Cows don't listen very good.
In eighth grade, Physical Education was far less about fitness than it was about fitting.
"I drive at night. I blow things up."
Don't shop in anger.