Thursday, November 6, 2008

time zones

Last night we had Thanksgiving dinner with my brother-in-law and his girlfriend, who were visiting from Maui. We won't see them before then, so we thought we'd have our reason-to-be-thankful dinner now, and it was really nice.

I guess we do have plenty for which to be appreciative, even if the state of California seems to have some issues at the moment.

Anyway, as I said, I've had a bit of the "November in my soul" lately, so I am packing up, got the passport and airline tickets, and am leaving the country for a week. So this is the last post for a while.

I did just want to say that yesterday I received a very uplifting email from a librarian in Washington State (this is why I love librarians, particularly YA librarians). She told me that Ghost Medicine was the best Young Adult book she'd read all year.


And, given the fact that it's November (inside and out), I guess there's not much of the year left to go. Anyway, it was a really great email to receive, and I am truly thankful for it, especially coming on the heels of such a downer of a week for me.

I'm outta here.