Saturday, May 21, 2011

the monday reveal #thebet


I wrote a book (that will be coming out --gads!-- in 2014), and there's a character in it who says that quite often.


That word says a lot, but, like most of the things I write, you kind of have to fill in the blanks.

Well, we are all getting set for the Monday Big Reveal of the short stories written by Catherine Ryan Hyde, Kimberly Pauley, and myself, as the penalty for losing THE BET to author and modern interpretive dance master Brian Farrey.

TIME: Monday morning, which will be Monday at 5 p.m. in the UK, where Kimberly is located, and early lunchtime where Brian dances.

All blogs will link, share, and bask in the creative babblings that come out of such things as loserdom.

Look for it here on May 23. We fully expect everyone who is looking for something to "buzz" (I hate that verb) about at BEA to be madly "buzzing" about three FREE short stories that came about through the painful flails at the cutting lash-end of taskmaster (and dancer) Brian Farrey.