Sunday, May 22, 2011

the big day #thebet

So, tomorrow, May 23, is the day when the three short stories that are the product of our collective misfortunes will be revealed on our blogs.

A quick recap of the evolution of this project for those of you who have not been following The Bet:

The idea came from novelist Brian Farrey, who suggested making some kind of sporting wager where the loser would receive a title from the winner, and then be required to write a short story.

The participants included Brian Farrey, Catherine Ryan Hyde, Kimberly Pauley, and me.

We each chose horses in the Kentucky Derby.

Brian won the bet. So he made up a title for me. I assigned a title to Catherine, and she, in turn, created a title for Kimberly.

So, three short stories will be unveiled tomorrow.

And Brian will dance and mock us as losers.

So... tomorrow's blog entry will be titled by Brian Farrey, and the.. ahem... undeniably twisted post will be the story I wrote.

There will also be a kind of twisted addition at the end (you'll see).

I am thoroughly embarrassed and I apologize in advance.

I will also re-post the essential links, but you might get your browsers set right now by bookmarking the following:

Catherine Ryan Hyde's Blog

Kimberly Pauley's Blog

Brian Farrey's Dance Dance Mania!

See you around 9:00 AM, California time.