tracking changes

- I was informed yesterday that my latest book In the Path of Falling Objects was honored by the Children's Literature Council with a 2010 CLC Book Award, "Distinguished Work of Fiction." So, my book and I get to go out to the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles this November to receive the award. Needless to say, this is very exciting.
- A few days after that event, I'll be heading up to the Bay Area, on November 11 to do a reading/signing at A Great Good Place for Books in Oakland, CA, with my good friend Lewis Buzbee (and, I'm told, some notable and distinguished friends in the audience, too). And this will come just in time for the release (November 9) of The Marbury Lens.
- More ALA news: Well, I found out something ultra-cool that's going to be happening for me and The Marbury Lens at ALA, but I'm going to wait on that. I will promise my librarian friends that I'll have some really cool stuff for them, though, and we'll have our discussion guide ready to go, too. But I do know I will be one of the authors at the YA Authors' Coffee Klatch on Sunday, June 27 at 8:30 a.m. From there, I am doing an author's luncheon presented by the OLOS Subcommittee on Bookmobiles from 10:30 - 1:00. Then, I'm going to be rushing out to the Feiwel and Friends booth (2812) from 2:00 - 3:00 to sign advance copies of The Marbury Lens. I'd like to thank whoever decided NOT to put me signing at the same time as John Green and David Levithan, and I will advise people looking for a copy of The Marbury Lens to come early. We will run out of them.
- And, speaking of The Marbury Lens, if you're on Goodreads, pop over there and vote for it for the best YA book covers of 2010. It's not like that's anything to do with the great big giant ME, it's about Rich Deas, the incredible artist who designed the cover (he's Feiwel and Friends' Art Director). And, honestly, it really is the best cover of 2010.
- Finally, while I was looking up schedules and stuff for my upcoming events, I found an online PDF version of Square Fish's Fall 2010 Catalog, and I was thrilled to see the new paperback version of Ghost Medicine inside. It's a rush to see this book coming out again... and it's my first paperback... with an all-new cover that is totally cool. Here it is: