Sunday, January 2, 2011
still not here
Things I have read this past week:
1. A really good, forthcoming debut novel by a guy named Joe Lunievicz.
2. I have read a lot of so-called YA book blogs that offer up their "best of 2010" lists.
I am not kidding about this, but on at least three different blogs (but I have a theory that most YA Book blogs are written by just one person -- kind of like James Patterson -- so the blogger can use all of the following: unicorn, sparkly, candy, and flower wallpaper -- like separate rooms of a big gingerbread house -- squee!!!!!), the blogger used variations of the following line:
I never read anything except fantasy, but I did read ONE non-fantasy this year...
You think about it.
3. I got a letter from someone asking for advice on writing a book. It went something like this: I am planning on writing a book. What font should I use?
That is all.
No Creepy Smoking Guy sighting this morning.
Maybe he's dead.