Monday, October 10, 2011

the battle of kelsey creek bridge


I am freaking out, like I always do the day before my book comes out.

In a matter of hours, it will be October 11. That is the release day for Stick.

Stick is coming out tomorrow.

Coincidentally, tomorrow is also National Coming Out Day.

I do not think it was planned for the release, but it does make a lot of sense, too. There are some gay characters in Stick. But I think they are different kinds of gay characters, or I hope so, because they are just regular, normal kids.

I don't know.

Remember back when Mattel got into all sorts of crap for making a Barbie doll that complained about how hard math class is?

Someone should think about starting shit for the way YA portrays boys, and especially gay ones.

Anyway, if you know a GLBTQ kid and he happens to respect you enough to be open about who he is, don't forget tomorrow to tell him he's worth something to you and you're better off for knowing him.

That's all.

I'm going to shut myself back in my dark office and freak out today.

One last thing, an amazing librarian from Texas posted such a nice review of Stick on her blog, I Read Banned Books, today. The link is below.

I really need to get to Texas. There are so many great readers there, connected to works like mine through so many involved librarians. And there is no shortage of love for the Drew in Texas.

State of Texas: I am indebted.

Best quote from the review:

I went into reading this book with my eyes wide open. I was ready for the bat-shit genius that Smith is so famous for. 

I love that.

Thank you, Jen.