Friday, December 3, 2010

the sound of the lens

I'm going to do something today that I have never done before.

Two days ago, an unexpected package arrived at my door. Usually when I get deliveries, they're from my publisher, I know about them ahead of time, and they're late.

This time, the box came from Brilliance Audio, and it contained copies of the audio book version of The Marbury Lens.

What I've never done before is listen to one of my books. And every one of them has been made into an audio book, too. It just kind of makes me uneasy listening to one of my books.

I don't know if I'll make it through the entire thing, but I am determined to set out on this ten hour and forty-nine minute journey through the audio for a couple reasons:

First, I think The Marbury Lens is a good book for read-alouds. That is, if you're not easily made uncomfortable listening to things like this.

And second, I actually got to audition the actors who'd been trying out for the part of the narrator's voice for this project, and one of them, Mark Boyett, who I later got to speak with on the telephone (the East Coast - West Coast thing), I thought nailed the whole attitude and voice of Jack perfectly.

We'll see.

I'm taking the discs and a cup of coffee out to my car for my morning drive.