Monday, December 6, 2010

four walls and adobe slats

Well, I have had a most productive weekend that followed a you've-got-to-be-kidding-me week, but that's another story entirely.

Thing is, I really like what I've done, I am satisfied, and I am just moments away from the initiation of National Not-Writing Month (which, in my universe, will probably not last exactly one month, but you know how things are in Marbury). It could be three seconds; it could be three years.

First off, cheers to all the folks I know who attended the Big Sur Writing Conference over the weekend. What could possibly be better than writing in Big Sur?

Writing at my house, that's what.

Kind of.

And, since I'm in the mood for sharing -- kind of -- I wanted to say thanks to the folks over at Attack of the Book! for posting such an amazing, thoughtful, and flattering review of The Marbury Lens on their blog today.


Oh... and listening update regarding the audio version: the part where Jack meets Henry at The Prince of Wales gave me the chills. It's just that good. A most excellent reading/acting performance from Mark Boyett.

You can read the Attack of the Book! review of The Marbury Lens here.